OpenAI GPT-3 到文章文件或 WordPress 帖子。 几乎免费且高质量的 AI 生成内容。 制作自己的自动博客?
Check out the pricing page, costs are like 60 cents per 1k tokens and 1k tokens are around 750 words. So if you set max_tokens to 500 you get about 350 words and it would cost you 30 cents.
查看定价页面,成本约为每 1k 代币 60 美分,1k 代币约为 750 个字。 因此,如果您将 max_tokens 设置为 500,您将获得大约 350 个单词,这将花费您 30 美分。
Version 1.01
1. Better Exception Handling
2. Reads only txt files from the generated content folder and ignores os files like desktop.ini and DS_store
3. Passes an empty string to content when flag is False while posting to wp from file
4. Replaced profanity with kid-friendly messages
5. Checks if q.txt is empty after checking if it exists.
6. Added a quit operation to the main menu
7. Renames file if file already exists in the generated_content folder
import os,openai, requests, random, base64 from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor '''OpenAI Key goes within the quotes''' openai_key = 'Key Here' # WP wordpress_domain = '' ##DO NOT INCLUDE HTTPS OR WWW OR ANY TRAILING SLASHES. ONLY ENTER domainname.tld wordpress_username = '' wordpress_application_password = '' wordpress_post_status = 'draft' # OpenAI Tweaks aiTemperature = 0.7 maxTokens = 100 '''Paths. Change these only if you know wtf you're doing''' generated_content = 'new_content_files/' uploaded_content = 'content_uploaded_to_wp/' # Menu Items singleq = ('''OpenAI is a bitch. Please format your questions clearly. Sample Question: Tell me about guitar strings in 200 words Sample Answer below has only 199 words... OpenAI is a bitch Guitar strings are one of the most important aspects of the instrument, and the type of string you use can have a big impact on your sound. There are a variety of different types of strings available, each with their own unique properties. The most common type of string is the steel string, which is most often used on acoustic guitars. Steel strings are known for their bright, clear tone and are a good choice for most styles of music. If you're looking for a warmer, more mellow sound, you might want to try a set of nylon strings. Nylon strings are typically used on classical and flamenco guitars, and they offer a softer, more delicate sound. If you're looking for the ultimate in shredding capabilities, you'll want to check out a set of stainless steel strings. These strings are incredibly durable and can stand up to serious abuse, making them a good choice for metal and hard rock players. No matter what type of music you play, there's a set of guitar strings that's perfect for you. With so many different types available, there's no reason not to experiment until you find the perfect set for your sound. So, type in your question accordingly: ''') mainmenu = ''' Howdy! Hit 1: Generate Articles and write them to file 2: Generate Articles and post them to WordPress 3: Read Articles from file and post them to WordPress 4: Quit Wachawannado? : ''' a2menu = ''' 1: Imput single question here 2: Read list of questions from file (One question per line) 3: Go back to previous menu Wachawannadonow? : ''' def post2wp(q, i, flag, content): if flag: openai.api_key = openai_key content = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt=q, temperature=aiTemperature, max_tokens=maxTokens)["choices"][0]["text"] cred = f'{wordpress_username}:{wordpress_application_password}' tkn = base64.b64encode(cred.encode()) wpheader = {'Authorization': 'Basic ' + tkn.decode('utf-8')} api_url = f'https://{wordpress_domain}/wp-json/wp/v2/posts' data = { 'title' : q.capitalize(), 'status': wordpress_post_status, 'content': content, } print(content) wp_response =,headers=wpheader, json=data) print(f'Item no. {i+1} posted, with title{q} and post content \n\n {content} \n\n {wp_response}) def article2file(q,i): openai.api_key = openai_key response = openai.Completion.create(model="text-davinci-002", prompt=q, temperature=aiTemperature, max_tokens=maxTokens)["choices"][0]["text"] fname = q.replace(' ', '_') + '.txt' if os.path.exists(generated_content+fname): print('File with title already exists, renaming it with a random number prefix') os.replace(generated_content+fname,generated_content+str(random.randint(1000,9999))+fname) with open(generated_content+fname, 'w') as f: f.write(response) print(f'Item: {i} in list done.\nQuery string: {q}\nArticle:\n{response}\n\nSaved to {fname}') if __name__ == '__main__': if not os.path.exists(generated_content): os.mkdir(generated_content) if not os.path.exists(uploaded_content): os.mkdir(uploaded_content) try: while True: try: wachawannado = int(input(mainmenu)) except ValueError: print('\nPlease enter a number') continue if wachawannado == 1: #Article to file try: wachawannadonow = int(input(a2menu)) except ValueError: print('\nPlease enter a number') continue if wachawannadonow == 1: #a2f single article2file(q=input(singleq), i=1) elif wachawannadonow == 2: #a2f file if os.path.exists('q.txt'): if not os.stat("file").st_size == 0: with open('q.txt', 'r') as f: with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor: for i, line in enumerate(f): executor.submit(article2file, i=i, q=line) else: print('\nq.txt is empty') continue else: print("Can't find q.txt") continue else: continue elif wachawannado == 2: #Article to WordPress try: wachawannadonow = int(input(a2menu)) except ValueError: print('\nPlease enter a number') continue if wachawannadonow == 1: #a2wp single post2wp(q=input(singleq), i=1, flag = True, content = '') elif wachawannadonow == 2: #a2wp file if os.path.exists('q.txt'): if not os.stat("file").st_size == 0: with open('q.txt', 'r') as f: with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor: for i, line in enumerate(f): executor.submit(post2wp, q=line, i=i, flag = True, content = '') else: print('\nq.txt is empty') continue else: print("Can't find q.txt") continue else: continue elif wachawannado == 3: #Files to WP contentfiles = os.listdir(generated_content) if contentfiles: with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=16) as executor: for i, file in enumerate(contentfiles): if file.endswith('.txt'): print('Posting from file:', file) with open(generated_content+file,'r') as f: executor.submit(post2wp, flag = False, content =, q = file.replace('_', '').replace('.txt',''), i=i) os.replace(generated_content+file, uploaded_content+file) else: print('Generated Content folder is empty') elif wachawannado == 4: print('Bye!') break else: print('Invalid Choice, try that again') except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Bye!')