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(一)用xx is xx
Nanzhi Old Street (南直老街) is a historic winding street in the center of Songyang County Town, dating back to the Qing Dynasty.

This 300-meter-long alley is lined by mud-roofed buildings showcasing the traditional wooden architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties.

1. Teeming with 充满 sprawling 蔓延的
Teeming with picturesque landscapes of quaint villages, sprawling rice terraces(广阔的梯田), undulating(波状的;波浪起伏的) mountains and lush(郁郁葱葱;茂盛的;茂密的;豪华的;草木繁茂的;华丽舒适的) nature hikes, Zhejiang Province's Lishui is an ideal year-round destination for anything from a long weekend getaway to a full week or more of relaxation.

Situated 500 kilometers south of Shanghai, and sharing a border with Fujian Province,

Spanning an area of 51-kilometers, the hilly slopes that make up the Yunhe Rice Terraces deserve their title as one of China’s most photographed destinations.

4.known as.....77 of which
Known as the “last secret place south of the Yangtze River,” Songyang County is made up of more than 100 villages, 77 of which are currently recognized by the state as protected traditional villages.

1.With a history extending to the beginning of the Qing Dynasty (mid-1600s), this tiny hamlet is comprised of only 50 houses.

6.offers pastoral views 田园风光
With roughly 600 residents, one for each of the villages’ 600 years-worth of history, Songzhuang offers pastoral views of locals balancing loads across a shoulder yoke, picking tea, cooking on outdoor earthen-ware stoves, and chopping firewood – like scenes from an ancient Chinese poem.

(四)xx + has

The street also has famous baked bing stalls (flat circular bread stuffed with all manner of fillings), salt-roasted chicken, fruit-fermented rice wine, and flaky sesame cakes.

Be sure to visit the street’s most famous noodle shop, Bai Xian Mian Guan (百仙面馆).

