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1.Dear friends,
Long post ahead.
Right now I’m very disturbed and shivering while writing this. I’m a mother of a toddler who is 2 and half years old. We (me, husband and baby) moved to china a year ago. Being international students, our Chinese is not good. Despite this, my husband and I always greet and show nice gesture to the people in our community. Now there is a middle aged lady who lived below our apartment and complained that your baby stomps and I get disturbed. I apologized and told her that we will make sure it will not happen again.
Then one day my baby was playing and he ran in the living room, she literally banged on our door and complained. We apologized.
Than it happened one more time and she came to us. This time I tried telling her that your son plays piano and we get disturbed too but we never complained. My baby is so little and he is just a baby after all. She was furious upon hearing me complaining.
Then the same day, she complained to property management who then contacted our land lady. This time we got heavy thick foam sheets (the one used in gym) and literally covered our entire apartment to make it sound proof. I also adjusted my baby’s sleeping time (go to bed before 10 pm). Tried to behave like a responsible neighbor.
However today, I was cleaning my bedroom around 1 pm and I removed the foam sheet. It took only 10 minutes to clean the bedroom. And my baby was playing on the floor with his small toy cars. Suddenly to my surprise, The lady from apartment down was shouting and banging my balcony glass with a long iron rod. I was alone with my baby and we got really scared. After few seconds, my brain started working and I recorded a video of her brutally banging my balcony glass with the iron rod and shouting. She kept going on for good 1 minute or so. In response I didn’t utter a single word.
I called my husband to come home and we shared the video to our land lady who said she will talk to the property management. But I think what the neighbor woman did was too much for me and especially for my baby as he started crying at that time. I’m angry and disappointed.
We don’t know the Chinese laws regarding harassment like this and deciding to go to police station. Should we report or not?
Please suggest us a suitable action against that lady.

2.either...or.. mediocre 平庸
I am writing everything myself. I’ve tried to outsource the writing with some people, but either it is too expensive or the quality is just mediocre. Maybe I am too picky, but as I want to be proud of my work, I don’t want to post crap.

3. at the very least 至少. with the help of.
Now I am writing everything with the help of ChatGPT and Jasper. I am using it to rewrite some content, get structures, meta-descriptions, FAQ etc… All of this allows me to produce at the very least an article per day, and if I have more time to allows, I can get as much as 4 or 5 a day.

The month went extremely well and my strategy seems to be working well.
“Seems to be working well”:这种表达暗示着一个正在进行的过程或状态。在这种情况下,你提到的策略正在生效,它是一个正在进行的过程,而不仅仅是一个简单的状态。这种形式更强调动作或过程的进行性。
“Seems to work well”:这种表达更强调一种一般性的陈述或事实,指的是策略一般上是有效的,而不强调它当前正在进行的状态。

As I said, the month of May was really extremely good, exploding all my records.

Potentially $286 from TravelPayouts + ~$10 from another affiliate link, totaling around $296 for May。I wasn't sure we could do better than previous month but we did! That is really great, and I can't wait to see how much I'll made in a year.


As you can see in the attached screenshots

