



继续启航Facebook 看回上一次折腾自己的Facebook网站是2018年5月1日,距今已经七个月了。今天刚从广州老乡那儿回来,决定继续自己的Facebook之路。 看看当时自己写的: 这两天看facebook广告投放的视频,听着别人流利的英语,看着facebook后台界面,我的内心激动了,这才是我内心一直追求的东西。 不过自己都忘记了,最近自己又去折腾CPS……

给opencart安装facebook Pixel Code(二)


给opencart安装facebook Pixel Code(二) 一、下载插件 下载的地址在这儿。 二、安装插件 进入你的opcart后台,点击 Extensions 再选择 Installer,然后再选择步骤一下载的插件。 三、刷新 点击 Extensions 再选择 Modifications,再点击“Refresh”按钮。 四、设定插件 上面的步骤结束之后,就可以在opcart后台看到“Facebook Ads Extension”的选项。 不过我点击……

Please kindly find the attached说法正统吗?


Please kindly find the attached说法正统吗? 以前在某公司的时候,外方有个印度人,不过是长驻香港的,他发过来的邮件中经常有这句Please kindly find the attached......,我当时以为这是一种很formal的表达方式,自己以后在邮件中也用过类似的表达,不过最近在某文章看到,这样说虽然没有语法错误,但并不是一种很好的表达。 原因有二: 1. please kindly是一种老……



英语笔记(六)公司介绍 1. Swanson Meats is a family owned and locally operated food service company in Minneapolis, MN. With a focus on locally sourced product      and exceptional beef we’ve built our reputation as a premium meat purveyor over the last 50 years. 2. The Topps Company was founded in 1938 as a family gum ……



英语笔记(五)句式句子 1.主动 (1)主+谓+介词 The house collapsed after earthquake.(什么时间) A little light flashes on the wall.(什么地点) The little boy began to blush after seeing a beautiful girl.(什么时间) (2)主+谓+不定式宾语 不定式作宾语:其后通常跟动词不定式作宾语的动词词组有want/hope/begin/learn/try/decid……

英语笔记(四)try to do sth+I’ll be doing sth


英语笔记(四)try to do sth+I’ll be doing sth 一、将来完成时 From now on we will be calling these "features" that we import mudules. This second file isn't a script but a plain text file we'll be reading in our script. 当你在说到将来的意图,并作一个强调的时候 当你强调将来的一个意图(特殊是消极的)的时候,通常使用进行时态。比如: I ordered a v……



如何写好英文文章 一、写好文章的决窍(实用版) How can you Generate a Unique content that really get's the eyes of your Buyer? 1. Got to Ezine 2. Get 3 articles about your topic 3. Get a Paper and pen. NOT a Notepad 4. Read the articles and take down notes on the main key Phrases. Make sure it's 1 - 3 words only. 5……



英语笔记(三) 1. thank you for being interested in.... Welcome to T.B. Solutions and thank you for being interested in our famous service of great SEO domains. 2.Look no further Are you looking for an articles writer who can write a article to be the voice for your business? Look no further, our article writing……



英语笔记(二) 1. at an auction You may buy a domain at an auction 2. in the WordPress Dashboard Go to Appearance > Themes in the WordPress Dashboard Click on the Add New button 3.press ... button Hover over the theme thumbnail and press the Activate button 4. hefty:重的; 健壮的; 异常大的 Auction domains at t……



英语笔记(一) 1.不是名词开始? Join the leading Network for Digital Goods。 Have a problem or need a specific product or service? Contact us.   2.get into You may not know where you are or where a file is.Now we get into typing more than one command. 3.when done Go ahead and purchase the plan you want to u……

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