
写英语文章的开头及词语 1. If you are looking for a plugin that has the ability to get the entire article or product content from any website and then automatically post it on your website. This article is for you! (that 用法:Currently, in the WordPress plugins directory, there are many plugins that help you get the con……


英语笔记(22)介词之二 一、什么人做了什么+ 什么时间、什么地点(通过什么方式、什么原因、给什么对象) (一)+介词 Sparkle offers free transparent PNG images for your design project.(给什么对象) Sparkle offers a wide collection of free vector and photo images with transparent background.(通过什么方式) Today, we are goi……


英语说 诗歌朗读: https://www.poetryinnature.com/poem/woods-at-night/ 美女游中国: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IUDj8_3t4M 1.The Terracotta Warriors 兵马俑 2.Hangzhou is the capital city of the ZheJiang Province of eastern China,located about 200km from Shanghai.



栗子英语(发音) 一、 I played basketball for several times 是错的 In English, when talking about separate events or the number of times something happened, you do not need to use "for". You should use "for" when you specify the amount of time or the duration of something. 二、man woman Yes, man rhymes with fan……



英语常用句收集 1.you have to be prepared days, weeks even months before black Friday。 2.The code that caused this warning is on line 64 of the file get_detail.py. 3.英语模板 https://hunter.io/templates 4.needed documentation 5.英语句中常用的 knock it off(别再讲了) Let's get take out(叫外卖吧) In a nutshell(简……



中式英语有哪些 1.马云的 why people don't like it? why wouldn't people like it?   2. 3. 介词 有很多错误让人一看就知道你的母语不是英语,比如很多中国人常说的I study in XXX University. 其实这个意义应该用at: I study/am a student at XXX University. (英语里介词固定搭配很多,比如一般说on campus,不说in campus。……



50个最常用的英语句子 今天逛youtube的时候发现的,一位专门教人学英语的美女介绍的,视频在这里。 一、23个只有美国人才懂的单词 1.appetizer(call the first course of a meal) 2.first floor(美国是第一层,UK是第二层) 3.the letter z is pronouced "zee" 4.sneakers(运动鞋) 5.zip code 6.touch base( catch up)Let's touch base in a w……



英语笔记(二十)该死的介词 一概述: 介词这东西,你以为它简单,其实它不好掌握,有句话说得好:能不能用好介词往往决定了你的英语水平。 而且这东西,以英语为母语的人也只能靠积累才能掌握,一些以英语为母语的年轻人也经常在使用phrasal verb时出错,不过通过看书、看电视等,都会掌握。这东西就像老外学中文,问我们平常如何掌握量词一样。“一……

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