Whatever makes you unhappy, fuck it.
The art of story telling I came across this info graphic on twitter and have shared it with all my followers and the feedback has been immense. I always love starting a lesson or the day with a story of some sort, fiction or non fiction. It is very useful to try and understand what is happening in……
The Secret of Becoming Mentally Strong
Just let it rain(少林寺TED)
杨自锋诈骗案判决书 (2020)浙01刑初97号
当生命遭遇Bad Time
“Life will break your heart. Life may take everything you have and everything you’ve hoped for. But there is one gratifying truth I believed in: I believe that in the darkness, even there, there will be beauty and there will be love. And every now and then, it will feel more than enough.” ~ Kate B……