第一年主要是学习,没有什么成绩,大大小小搞了10多个站,目前收入最高的稳定一个月1-1.3W,最差的几百刀,当初在知乎上看到一篇月入10万刀大佬的文章,给了我很大的动力,大神很多,不敢装逼,埋头苦干。 分享一下自己浅薄的经验:最早看了各种教程后也沉迷于各种黑科技不能自拔,浪费了不少时间和金钱,后面回归最原始……
I have 1M+ impressions, and around 92K clicks on 141 websites, which can be a lot or not so much, depending where you look it from. So with this much of experience, I give you a few tips: 1. Nowadays content is king, AI generated, not 100% optimised articles without video and/or images are useless……