
我觉得下面这段话写得非常好,对做幻灯片同样适用: Importance of Information Architecture I can't overstate the importance of Information Architecture. Below, I'll share some reasons why every UX Designer should learn what IA means and how to implement it effectively: Organization and Structure: Information Architecture provides a framework for organizing and structuring inf ...


1.WHT 就是主机圈中大家常说的WHT网站,网址: https://www.webhostingtalk.com   WebHosting Talk是一个在线社区,拥有将近50万名会员,每周都会在www.webhostingtalk.com上寻求关于商业和技术主题的信息和同行交流。WebHosting Talk拥有一支知识渊博的会员群体,并通过用户生成的内容和目标吸引了懂网络的受众。如果你正在寻求构建网站或销售网络托管服务,WHT是一个无价的资源,提供由业务从业者 ...


1 I can be reached by cell phone at 305 923 6779 in the event of difficulties. But not before 10 pm tonight, I am speaking in Philadelphia from 7 pm. I can be reached by cell phone at 305 923 6779 in the event of difficulties in find the location. 2.wire sums of money over the next few days I need to wire sums of money to my UK landlord, school fees, etc., as they become ...


最近在做一个未来年度预测报表的时候,发现资产负债表总是做不平,后来查了一下,原来是“递延所得税资”的问题。 递延所得税资产减少,我在现金流量表的“支付的各项税费”作了减少。 然后又在资产负债表的应交税费那里作了减少, 导致资产负债表不平, 原因是就是减了两次,按实际情况是在现金流量表那里不需要减的,因为12月做分录使用“递延所得税资产”这个科目的时候,现金流还没有付出去。

cc by-sa2.0和4.0区别

做国外站的,对cc by-sa, cc by nc nd, cc by nc sa,这些应该比较熟悉。那么它们究竟是什么意思?cc by-sa2.0和4.0区别的区别又是什么? 一、什么是CC? CC是Creative Commons Licenses的综合,中文意思是知识共享许可协议。 二、什么是by-sa 这里by-sa中的by和sa其实是并列的关系。 by表示你可以共享或者修改原作品,但是要建立链接到原作者的网站。 SA(Share-alike)是指你要在你的文章(或者作品)中 ...


I have 1M+ impressions, and around 92K clicks on 141 websites, which can be a lot or not so much, depending where you look it from. So with this much of experience, I give you a few tips: 1. Nowadays content is king, AI generated, not 100% optimised articles without video and/or images are useless 2. Use schema for every article 3. Have a contact us, about us page no matter ...
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