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ValueError: Invalid format string


今天 在执行下面这段代码的时候,

#!/usr/bin/env python
# ______                                  _    _              ______              _         ______ _           
#(_____                                 | |  | |            (______)            | |       / _____) |          
# _____) )__  _ _ _ _____  ____ _____  __| |  | |__  _   _    _     _ _____  ____| |  _   ( (____ | |  _ _   _ 
#|  ____/ _ | | | | ___ |/ ___) ___ |/ _  |  |  _ | | | |  | |   | (____ |/ ___) |_/ )   ____ | |_/ ) | | |
#| |   | |_| | | | | ____| |   | ____( (_| |  | |_) ) |_| |  | |__/ // ___ | |   |  _ (    _____) )  _ (| |_| |
#|_|    ___/ ___/|_____)_|   |_____)____|  |____/ __  |  |_____/ _____|_|   |_| _)  (______/|_| _)__  |
#                                                   (____/                                              (____/ 
# A python program which uses publically available
# web apis to find out what the weather is.
# You'll need an API key below... you can get 1000 requests per day for free.
# Go to https://darksky.net/dev/ and sign up.
API="Your key"
# Change the below for your latitude and longitude, Below figures are for the centre of Brussels, Belgium.
LAT= 50.8467
LNG= 4.3526

# Change the below for different measurement units, values are :
# auto = automatically select based upon geographical region
# ca = same as si, except windSpeed is in kilometers per hour
# uk2 = same as si, except that nearestStormDistance and visibility are in miles and windSpeed is in miles per hour
# us = Imperial units
# si : SI units 

directions = ["N", "NNE", "ENE", "E", "ESE", "SSE", "S", "SSW", "WSW", "W", "WNW", "NNW"]
def bearing_to_direction(bearing):
    d = 360. / 12.
    return directions[int((bearing+d/2)/d)]
import sys
import os
import time
import optparse
import json
import urllib2
now = time.time()
cached = False
if os.path.exists("WEATHER.cache"):
    f = open("WEATHER.cache")
    parsed = json.loads(f.read())
    if now - parsed["currently"]["time"] < 900:
        cached = True
if cached:
    print "::: Using cached data..."
    print "::: Reloading cache..."
    req = urllib2.Request(URL+API+"/"+("%f,%f"%(LAT,LNG)+"?units="+UTS))
    response = urllib2.urlopen(req)
    parsed = json.loads(response.read())
    f = open("WEATHER.cache", "w")
    f.write(json.dumps(parsed, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
    f.close() ;
c = parsed["currently"]
print ":::", time.strftime("%F %T", time.localtime(c["time"]))
print "::: Conditions:", c["summary"]
print "::: Temperature:", ("%.1f" % c["temperature"])+u"u00B0"
print "::: Feels Like:", ("%.1f" % c["apparentTemperature"])+u"u00B0"
print "::: Dew Point:", ("%.1f" % c["dewPoint"])+u"u00B0"
print "::: Humidity:", ("%4.1f%%" % (c["humidity"]*100.))
print "::: Wind:", int(round(c["windSpeed"])), "mph", bearing_to_direction(c["windBearing"])
d = parsed["daily"]["data"][0]
print "::: High:", ("%.1f" % d["temperatureMax"])+u"u00B0"
print "::: Low:", ("%.1f" % d["temperatureMin"])+u"u00B0"
d = parsed["hourly"]["data"]
for x in d[:12]:
        print time.strftime("t%H:%M", time.localtime(x["time"])), x["summary"], ("%.1f" % x["temperature"])+u"u00B0"


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/My/tt.py", line 68, in
print ":::", time.strftime("%F %T", time.localtime(c["time"]))
ValueError: Invalid format string

通过在网上查找资料,看了《Python Invalid format string》这篇文章才知道,原来是时间格式的问题,时间格式在Windwos和Linux平台是不一样的。在《time gmtime localtime strftime 时间函数》这篇文章中查到了%F、%T的含义。




print ":::", time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(c["time"]))




%a 星期几的简写
%A 星期几的全称
%b 月分的简写
%B 月份的全称
%c 标准的日期的时间串
%C 年份的后两位数字
%d 十进制表示的每月的第几天
%D 月/天/年
%e 在两字符域中,十进制表示的每月的第几天
%F 年-月-日
%g 年份的后两位数字,使用基于周的年
%G 年分,使用基于周的年
%h 简写的月份名
%H 24小时制的小时
%I 12小时制的小时
%j 十进制表示的每年的第几天
%m 十进制表示的月份
%M 十时制表示的分钟数
%n 新行符
%p 本地的AM或PM的等价显示
%r 12小时的时间
%R 显示小时和分钟:hh:mm
%S 十进制的秒数
%t 水平制表符
%T 显示时分秒:hh:mm:ss
%u 每周的第几天,星期一为第一天 (值从0到6,星期一为0)
%U 第年的第几周,把星期日做为第一天(值从0到53)
%V 每年的第几周,使用基于周的年
%w 十进制表示的星期几(值从0到6,星期天为0)
%W 每年的第几周,把星期一做为第一天(值从0到53)
%x 标准的日期串
%X 标准的时间串
%y 不带世纪的十进制年份(值从0到99)
%Y 带世纪部分的十制年份
%z,%Z 时区名称,如果不能得到时区名称则返回空字符。
%% 百分号




